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Melanie Moon
Interview with Melanie Moon
Our own Maurilio had the opportunity to interview the buxom sperm queen Melanie Moon.

Maurilio: When did you decide to become a porn star? And why?
Melanie Moon: I decided to be a porn star 2 weeks before I started, in November 2004. Reason was looking at GGG-films;-)

Maurilio: What were you doing before becoming a porn star?
Melanie Moon: I finished High School and then worked for the German military.

Maurilio: Why did you choose GGG and not, for example, Magma and other German productions?
Melanie Moon: Because i just like the way they are…

Maurilio: What is the sexual practice do you prefer in movies? And which one you like least?
Melanie Moon: The sexual practice I prefer most is DP. At least… I have to think… but yes perhaps bisexual scenes. Maybe I am too hetero as being also bisexual;-) But with nice girls I like, for example Gina, it was absolutely ok.

Maurilio: In your first scene of piss you’ve found it uncomfortable? What did you think? Did you like you?

Melanie Moon: If I like me? Well yes everything was ok and my first 666-piss movie was still nice than now because there was also sperm;-)

Maurilio: In general, what is the atmosphere on the set?
Melanie Moon: In general… really good! First… having a screaming producer on the set, it never hit me;-).
Often it was like a big family. Of course there always come about 5 or 6 new girls, but the most people you know.

Maurilio: Watching your film gets the impression that your work you like. It ‘really? Ever see your film? What is or what are your best films?
Melanie Moon: Yes this impression is really right. When the light went on I was Melanie Moon and I really like it. Of course I know every films of me. I am often asked about whats my favorite film and I think I give different answers. That´s because I am also not sure;-)
Let´s say from the first 2 years it was Sperma Häschen and from the newer ones it was Ficken Und Schlucken Ist Meine Welt.

Maurilio: What do you think of men? Did you meet many motherfuckers in your career?
Melanie Moon: No, beside maybe 1 or 2 in all those 4 years I had never problems with men.

Maurilio: It never happened that a girl has come to ask you advice on how to become a porn star?
Melanie Moon: No, it never happe

Maurilio: It never happened that a colleague GGG has asked you any advice to improve their performance?
Melanie Moon: Yes, but only sometimes.

Maurilio: What do you think of your career as a porn star today? Everything you do again or what would you change? How do you see your future?
Melanie Moon: Yes, the most I would do again. I can not look in the future, just tell you that I only do films I like to. In the moment it looks like, because I have a nice offer from a good label and that what happens in the film also fits to me;-) I don´t think I will be there so often active as by GGG… but who knows what comes else?!

Maurilio: During your long experience in GGG, you have close friendships with other girls? Which ones are your dislikes? Do you like turn lesbian?
Melanie Moon: Yes there were some friendships, especially to Gina, but not to intimate, also because my large distance to Munich, where nearly all other girls came from. Dislikes, over the whole time… I could only tell you one: Victoria, but with this opinion I was absolutely not alone;-) She also had to leave GGG by a strange reason.

Maurilio: Have you tried working in other countries as well as in Germany? Would you like to work in Italy? You have contacts with Italian productions? What do you think of Italian pornography?

Melanie Moon: Yes, I worked in Holland, but not in Italy. As you know me and I always talk the truth… I did not even know Italy has a porn-industry. Please forgive me;-)

Maurilio: Since you arrived at GGG until now something has changed in sty
le and / or in the world of GGG?
Melanie Moon: Oh yes, many things changed until now. When I begin, GGG was just some month in the new and great studio with 1000 m2 in Munich, Leopoldstrasse. Surely the nicest and biggest studio in Germany. During my stay many labels came though. When I started there were only the labels GGG, John Thompson and 666. Well and right now there is a big change with their move to Berlin.

Maurilio: The new girls do not show great character on the set, except perhaps Viktoria. In your opinion, why John chose them?

Melanie Moon: Well that´s a thing what belongs to GGG. Having some girls who stay longer, like you say having character, and others new, fresh girls from next door, who just have a short casting and play their role. Mostly they don´t stay long, come once, twice or maybe 3 times. I think this is the best composition and my opinion what fans want to see.

Maurilio: Among the fans, Betty is a myth. In GGG talking about her? Does anyone remember her? Learn about the real reasons for her removal from GGG?
Melanie Moon: Well, no nearly nobody remember her because she finished a long time before I started. Of course I was also astonished about that Betty myth and I asked John once how he thinks about that. His opinion is because she was very good but also not looking as a model, just like a girl from next door.
My opinion is… yes she was really good in her films and she was the first star by GGG, what might give her this myth. This myth you have in many different things. Cassius Clay as Boxer. The Beatles for the beat, George Washington as the first president of the US. Not want to reduce her great work, I think if she would start right now, I am not sure she would still have this myth anymore.

Maurilio: Annette Schwarz has been in America. Melanie Moon why do not go in the U.S.? Do not believe could have many more job opportunities and glory?
Melanie Moon: No, I even never thought about that. One thing is I don’t want to travel as much and surely would get homesick and the other thing is because the Dollar runs very deep it wasn´t a profitable business for me to clearing all the negative things.

Maurilio: What exactly is the role of Kathy that seems very busy on the set? How were your relations with her?
Melanie Moon: Kathy was a friend. She is really nice. For me she also was one of the best actress ever. Specially in 666-films. She finished with films some month before I started and then worked in the GGG office. During the films she was the girl for everything and made many different things at the set. With the move to Berlin she lost her job and of course she sadly looked for a new job.

Maurilio: In my site I would also create a page dedicated to Fluffer and other women working in GGG (Fluffer, assistants, make-up): you can help me? Who are the Fluffer? Why do you think, for example, Ellen went from porn star to Fluffer? What is your relationship with them and the make-up? A few of them, according to you, I’d go behind the camera?
Melanie Moon: Yes the fluffer woman, assistants, make-up-girls all belonged to the big family. Doing a page for them I don´t think it will work because they are and want to be anonymous. There where more girls who went from fluffer to porn star or also backwards. The real reasons nobody knows exactly. One girl I know, John did not like her anymore for porn scenes and then she became a fluffer-girl.

Maurilio: Magdalena, Celine, Amili, Leila, Lucy, Vendula, for example, seem to literally disappear. You know what they do now for those who work, if they withdrew or changed their nickname, what do you think of them professionally? You know how I could know something about them?
Melanie Moon: Yes, some I know the most I don´t know. Those who i know I can not tell you because of course they want to live their private live now. BTW Lucy and Vendula I don´t remember in the moment. You could nothing do as Google them, but as they work not under their real names you won´t find them.
About them professionally… I respect the work especially from Magdalena very much. With Amili I had many scenes together, she was a really nice girl. Celine that´s not a secret anymore, married an actor from GGG and retired. Leila I saw only once or twice. She was a very friendly girl suppose from Egypt.

I sincerely thank the adorable Melanie Moon, for this interview, which issued to me personally (November 2010).


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