
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GD Star Rating

Happy New Year!  As an update to this page, we’re including a list of the models you chose for the year 2012 in the amount of votes they received.  Here is YOUR list of GGG favorites!

Magdalena GGG gangbangMagdalena once again steals 1st place being Ms. Pornstarchive two years in a row!

It is no surprise that she holds the title, she is the perfect GGG girl; beautiful face, lovely body, thrilling to watch, with her wide mouth and wonderful attitude that seems to genuinely enjoy sex.



Alexandra GGGA slight surprise 2nd is Alexandra, the lovely blond who only has performed in one film. That being said, her debut was a hit and she has the beautiful looks and wonderful attitude that the fans adore in the favorites of the GGG girls.



Kathy GGG girlAnd 3rd place goes to Kathy, a favorite among GGG fans and a girl of many talents.  She appeared as a fan favorite and even after her time on camera, lent support to the staff as a camerawoman.



Here is the complete list!!!

1.  Magdalena            252
2.  Alexandra            109
3.  Kathy                101
4.  Viktoria Goo          86
5.  Betty G.              80
6.  Cissie                78
7.  Vendula               77
8.  Adina                 74
9.  Annette Schwarz       71
10. Manga                 70
11. Sarah                 56
12. Vivian                55
13. Schnuckel Bea         53
14. Victoria (Lisa)       52
15. Melanie Moon          50
16. Sandra                49
17. Lola (2009)           45
18. Paris Milton          44
19. Anna                  41
20. Sabine (Antje)        40
21. Tina (Taranee Devil)  39
22. Jelica                33
23. Celine                32
    Gina                  32
    Ginger Lang           32
26. Jenny (2007)          31
    Kirie                 31
    Maria (2004)          31
29. Manuela               30
30. Rita (Brigitta)       29
    Sandra Blow           29
32. Lynn                  28
    Melli                 28
    Patrizia              28
    Sandra Star           28
    Susi                  28
37. Cyndi                 27
38. Alesia                26
    Hanna                 26
    Katharina             26
41. Alina                 25
    Cassandra             25
    Jasmin Jordan         25
    Perla                 25
    Steffi                25
46. Lucy                  24
47. Annette               23
    Antje                 23
    Elenilda              23
    Jenny (2004)          23
    Leila                 23
52. Diana                 22
    Susanne (Celine)      22
    Vanessa               22
55. Jane (ebony)          21
    Lina                  21
    Samai                 21
58. Adriana               20
    Chris                 20
    Niki                  20
61. Kiki                  19
    Mara (Marla)          19
    Sarah Rose            19
64. Marcella              18
65. Jessy                 17
66. Bettina               16
67. Claudia (2006)        15
    Kelly                 15
    Sabrina               15
    Zuzanna               15
71. Amili                 14
    Cora Emens            14
    Valesca               14
74. Bernadette (ebony)    13
    Andrea                13
    Maria (2008)          13
77. Alexandra (fluffer)   12
    Christina             12
    Ginger                12
80. Jana                  11
    Sandra S.             11
    Sissi                 11
83. Melissa               10
84. Julia                  9
85. Zarah                  7
86. Susanne (2008)         6

Thank you to the fans for all your support and the votes and comments regarding the lovely girls of GGG!!!  More to come in 2013!



Hallo GGG fans!!!!  It’s 2012 and Pornstarchive has revamped the voting system a bit for this year.  Now there are 2 ways to vote for your favorite GGG model; vote the number of stars at the top of the model profiles and the “thumbs” method towards the bottom of the model profile info.

Your votes are counted and we declare a winner for the month and at the end of the year.  We are tallying the votes for both voting variations separately and the totals.  So without further ado…based on Total Votes

January 2012

Miss January 2012 – Magdalena

Magdalena Interview pic ggg

Miss Pornstarchive January 2012 - Magdalena

1st PlaceMagdalena – Magdalena won the crown as Miss Pornstarchive for the year of 2011.  This gorgeous starlet is still going strong with the voting amongst the fans tallying the most vote for January.  It is of no surprise that her beautiful face, lovely body and sexual drive put Magdalena at the top of most people’s favorite GGG girl lists!

Vendula Face2nd PlaceVendula – The lovely naturally busty Czech starlet Vendula has received quite a number of votes this month!


Alexandra 83rd PlaceAlexandra – With one GGG movie to her name, the lovely blond Alexandra is still a big fan favorite!


Honorable mention goes to Annette Schwarz and Viktoria Goo who tied for 1 vote off close 4th place and also to Manga who has the 3rd highest number of thumb votes.

Thanks to all the voters and we look forward to the input in February!


Hi GGG fans!  Well Pornstarchive tallied your votes in February and although the lovely Magdalena received again more total votes, we decided she can’t win 2 months in a row. She will receive honorable mention this month but based on votes here are your February 2012 winners.  We have 2 ties this month!

February 2012

Miss February 2012 – Vendula

Vendula GGG 2012

Miss Pornstarchive February 2012 - Vendula

1st PlaceVendula – With her natural busty figure, pretty smile and lovely features, it’s no wonder why Vendula would be at the top of anyone’s “to do” list.  This Czech starlet has done a handful of GGG films and left her mark in the JT archives.

Miss February 2012 (TIE) – Viktoria Goo

Viktoria GGG 2012

Miss Pornstarchive February 2012 - Viktoria Goo

1st Place TIE –  Viktoria Goo – Long, tall statuesque features, beautiful and willing to do almost anything, Viktoria Goo is the new unadulterated sex symbol of GGG.  Viktoria is a fan favorite and a major player in the current GGG line up.

Alexandra GGG

2nd Place – Alexandra – The lovely blond one-hit wonder Alexandra holds in the top 3 this month!


Alina GGG

2nd Place (TIE) –Alina – The gorgeous Alina was added the last week of February and already has a tie for 2nd place in total number of votes.


Sandra GGG

3rd Place – Sandra – This lovely starlet got a good number of votes in February. Sandra bodes a naturally beautiful body and sex drive to match!


Honorable mention goes to Sandra Star who came in at a close 4th with total votes and in each the stars and thumb votes.  Who will be our March favorites?  You decide!

Thanks for the input…keep the votes coming!

Hallo!  In March again Magdalena received again more total votes…we’re seeing a trend here.  😉  In the interest of showcasing the other girls, here’s who received the next most votes for the month of March.

March 2012

Miss March 2012 – Vanessa

Vanessa GGG

Miss Pornstarchive March 2012 - Vanessa

1st PlaceVanessa – Added in the beginning of March, Vanessa quickly became a popular girl among the fans.  She’s only done a couple movies but her exotic beauty and sexy attitude is noted among the fans!

2nd Place (TIE) – Viktoria Goo & Vendula

Viktoria Goo – Again Viktoria gets a good number of votes with the fans in March.  And rightfully so, she’s gorgeous, uninhibited and exudes a wonderful attitude!



Vendula GGGVendula – Another fan favorite, Vendula is receiving a consistent number of votes for March.



Is is strange that the top votes were for models with “V” first names?

3rd Place – Various

In strange circumstance the following girls received 3rd place with 1 vote below the 2nd place winners:

Alexandra GGG 15Alina GGG 3Kathy GGGSandra GGGVivian GGG 55




Alexandra, Alina, Kathy, Sandra and Vivian. These lovely girls are receiving consistent votes from the fans monthly!

Thank you again for the participation and let’s see who will reign in April!

April 2012

Miss April 2012 – Adina


Miss Pornstarchive April - Adina

1st Place – Adina – With her lovely slim body and beautiful face, there is no wonder Adina is a fan favorite.  She received a surprising number of votes in the slow month of April.  Adina was the first entry into Pornstarchive and is continuing to make movies with GGG and other German titles.

2nd Place – Paris Milton – As her name suggests, the lovely Paris Hilton look-alike was a short-lived superstar in the GGG films. She left behind some great scenes!



Anette Schwarz3rd Place – Annette Schwarz – The current record hold for most number of John Thompson film appearances, can it be any wonder that Annette Schwarz is a fan favorite?  She is one of the few GGG starlets to have a career after and is currently a HUGE international xxx star!


Thanks for the votes again and let’s see who will reign in May!

GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating
Fan Votes 2012, 1.3 out of 10 based on 603 ratings

One Response so far.

  1. jack12 says:

    i love you viktoria..i love the way you suck cocks..viktoria is awesome

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