
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Sarah

Posted by Bill On September - 14 - 2011
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Hair Color: Brunette

Body Type: Fit

Chest Size: D (at least but a low number, maybe 34 D)

Alias: Sarah [11] (at

Info: We do not have much information about Sarah other than her appearances in the GGG / John Thompson films. She has, however, performed in a few other movies of a similar genre, outside of John Thompson’s films that we know.

Comments: Sarah is a green-eyed exotic beauty that appeared in quite a few of early GGG films from around 2000 to 2002, often alongside Betty G. She appears to be of mixed Asian decent but almost certainly is (or at least speaks) German. In her films she happily participates in the sex and cum swallowing but on rare occasions she doesn’t appear to be completely happy with the proceedings and, on one occasion, can be seen getting up midway through the facials and walking off stage. We all have off days. She didn’t do anal sex on camera in a GGG film. She is an excellent mover and the obligatory dancing scenes that often start each scene that feature her are very watchable as she moves and writhes her slim body about to music that we can’t hear. Sarah has natural and deceptively large breasts; they’re very round and wide but don’t stick out very far. A popular contributor to the early GGG films, Sarah’s exotic good looks (along with those of Lynn, Ginger and a few others) helped give a rich, multi cultural variety of girls to the larger orgy scenes so common in the primary years of GGG.

GGG Films:

2000 Betty Die Schluck-Weltmeisterin (FUCKED)
2001 Bitte, Bitte, 30 Mal Vollspritzen ♥♥♥♥♥
2001 Die Mit Dem Sperma Tanzt ♥♥♥♥♥
2001 Die Spermaschlampe ♥♥♥♥
2001 Hilfe Ich Ertrinke Im Sperma ♥♥♥
2001 Ich Suche Sperma ♥♥♥
2001 Rein Mit Dem Sperma ♥♥♥♥
2001 Sperma: Find Ich Gut! (FUCKED)
2001 Sperma Tango ♥♥♥♥♥
2001 Titten Auf Spermasuche (BLOWJOB & FUCKED)
2001 Zum Schlucken Verdammt! ♥♥♥♥
2002 1. 2. 3. Abspritzen ♥♥♥♥♥
2002 Sperma Wonach Schmeckt Das ♥♥♥♥
2002 Teenie Im Spermagewitter ♥♥♥♥♥
2004* Die Sperma Arena ♥♥♥
2006** Die Spermadisco ♥♥♥
2007** Vollgespritzt Werden Das Ist Unser Leben ♥♥♥♥♥

* The film was shot in 2001.
** The film was shot in 2000-2001.

Non GGG Films:

2002 Tieners Voor Geld 2 ♥♥♥♥
2004 Nationale Hoerentest 2 ♥♥♥♥♥
2004 Perverses Sperma Besäufnis ♥♥♥♥♥
2004 Tante Lottis 50 Geburtstag ♥♥♥♥♥

From Die Mit Dem Sperma Tanzt.

From Zum Schlucken verdammt!

Note: An intense scene with Betty G., taken from Teenie Im Spermagewitter.

Note: Sarah’s non-GGG film, Perverses Sperma Besäufnis (the bottom two pictures) is also a bukkake/gangbang featuring Sarah as a fluffer for a room of men and a mature German woman called Chantal. The whole film is less than an hour long and reuses multiple cumshots filmed from alternate angles.

Note: Thanks to our friend RoughPornFan, we know that Sarah has shot two movies on VHS that have never been published in DVD and that seem to be impossible to find: Schwanze Kannibalinnen and Kranke Schluckluder (whose images are those with the watermark at the top right). We do not know when they were shot. Screenshots follow:


A clip from an unknown film linked here shows that there’s a chance Sarah went on to do escorting after her GGG career ended. This also shows she was willing to try anal sex, too, although she never did for any GGG films. This is the only footage of Sarah performing anal known to exist. Many thanks to forum contributor Pierre for the alert.

Sarah Anal Escort xvideos.com_3519dc8d0854fc7e0b742127cd50c7c2 Sarah Anal Escort xvideos.com_3519dc8d0854fc7e0b742127cd50c7c2-12

Yet another non-GGG clip of Sarah playing a hooker emerged – many thanks to site user Yookie for the alert – this time she’s hanging around a railway station. Two men pick her up and take her to a room where they fuck  she seems very eager but not so keen on the facial cum shot at the end. You can watch the clip here

Some of Sarah’s non-GGG DVD covers.


Sarah on GGG DVD covers.

GD Star Rating
GD Star Rating
GGG Models - Sarah, 6.7 out of 10 based on 672 ratings

About Bill

Chronic masturbator with addiction to licking pussy and watching GGG films. Fan of Betty, Cissie, Sarah, Maren, Annette, Alesia, Maria and Anna (with the long legs and soft, huge boobies - Woof!). Lives in UK. Has been to enough gangbangs to know that, if GGG films were shot in Smell-o-Vision, the overall stench would be a mixture of burning rubber, sweat and barley hops.

107 Responses so far.

  1. Hary says:


    Do you have any information about Sarah, the Turkish/Arab looking girl?
    If possible and you’re still in contact with her, please giver her my email adres, it would br nice to talk to her.

    Thanks Harry

    GD Star Rating
    • Bill Malone says:

      Sorry but everything we have on Sarah is on her page above. She’s a favourite of mine. Her films were made over a decade ago so she. She could be anywhere doing anything by now. Her ethnicity remains a mystery.

      GD Star Rating
  2. Mat says:

    Which film was it that she walked off set?

    GD Star Rating
    • Bill Malone says:

      About 30 seconds before the end of Zum Schlucken Verdammt she is being held still by Betty G and a man ejaculates hard into her mouth which she doesn’t appreciate. The film speeds up to disguise the fact she’s got up and walked away. She appears happy in the rest of the film though in some other movies she smiles much less. Also in Hilfe!! Ich Ertrinke Im Sperma she gets up after a large bukkake and dances about. She then walks away from the action with the camera in front of her and, on the edge of the set, another girl appears to licks the cum off her face. Sarah looks quite exhausted and a bit bewildered throughout most of this but it could be that she was being instructed to appear this way. My copy of the film has no audio so I cannot tell.

      GD Star Rating
  3. A. Benrami says:

    she appears in 2 short movies and worked in Amsterdam. just type dutch in xvideos and you’ll find her.

    GD Star Rating
  4. wht says:

    where is second one?

    GD Star Rating
  5. roughpornfan says:

    This whore was fucked in two other non GGG films:
    1.Kranke Schluckluder
    2.Schwanz Kannibalinen

    GD Star Rating
    • Thanks for the valuable information! Can you tell us where to find or where to download these movies?

      GD Star Rating
      • roughpornfan says:

        As far as i know those movies were never published on dvd. I have them as digitized vhs on my pc.

        GD Star Rating
      • roughpornfan says:

        As far as i know those movies were never published on dvd and i never found them anywhere in the net. They seem to be very rare cause i not even found the vhs version for sale anywhere. They where published by small labels which may not exist anymore. Kranke Schluckluder on bex and Schwanz Kannibalinnen on xy pictures. I have them as digitized vhs on my pc.

        GD Star Rating
        • fanatat says:

          Roughpornfan, please comment or PM me if you might be willing to share these digitized files with me. I’d be happy to make it worth your while. Thanks in advance…

          GD Star Rating
  6. mutabor says:

    One more footage. She appears on the website of which is a Munich gangbang party community. The pictures can be viewed freely only after 11 pm German time.

    She is described as: Sahra (21) from Schwabing and a real Ballerina…

    Schwabing is a Munich suburb. As the age mentioned on the page is quite outdated it’s rather unlikely she is still attending these parties.

    GD Star Rating
  7. Lowenbrau says:

    Thanks for these ‘new’ photos of Sarah after all these years – she was the greatest dancing bukkake girl.

    GD Star Rating
  8. Tigre says:

    This is a very helpful and informative report about my favorite porn actress. Thank you!!!

    GD Star Rating
  9. serdar says:

    sarah i love youuuuuuu

    GD Star Rating
  10. hon says:

    She was the best GGG Actor for all times. John Tompson should reactived her.

    The fans would be very grateful !!!

    GD Star Rating
  11. sarach says:

    Thank you but I turn around for a very long time no movies .Englisch unfortunately I can not.

    GD Star Rating
  12. Pierre says:

    Sarah has also starred in a French film, circa 2006 I think, and that is called “Beurettes greedy.”

    Sarah is really the prettiest actresses. I invite you to come to Paris when you want. I adore you.

    GD Star Rating
    • Bill says:

      Greedy Beurettes seems to be a series of Caucasian guys fucking Arab women. There are several dozen scenes on Xhamster alone. She may well have done one and this will no doubt have helped with the rumour that she is Arabian herself (Moroccan has also been suggested). I have seen her in some unnamed scenes like this

      but can’t tell if they’re part of this series. If anyone can post a link, that would be appreciated.

      GD Star Rating
  13. Pierre says:

    the movie is called “beurettes gourmandes de sperme” It was realized in France, French mix, circa 2006. The sequance with the beautiful Sarah takes about 25 minutes

    GD Star Rating
  14. Bill says:

    Unless it can be confirmed privately to one of our moderators, I’m afraid we cannot take any posts seriously that claim to be a GGG girl from the distant past. As lovely as it might be that Sarah is now on this forum, we have to assume it’s just an over-enthusiastic fan imitating her.

    GD Star Rating
    • parks1999 says:

      It’s doubtful and this is many years later. I would expect Sarah drifted into obscurity after maybe doing some escorting for a few years. She’s probably in her 40’s now and hopefully has taken care of herself.

      GD Star Rating
  15. Pierre says:

    I think, too, it is impossible for Sarah to be present on this forum. Do not dream …

    GD Star Rating
  16. younggangbangfan says:

    Sarah was almost certainly the subject of the first GGG film I saw and therefore significantly responsible for the 100s I’ve since bought. I can still remember the thrill of watching such a young, pretty and skinny girl kneel down and allow numerous men to fill her mouth with sperm. Excellent!

    GD Star Rating
  17. Pierre says:

    I found a new movie with Sarah on XHamster’s: it is called CARLA. This film must date from the years 2006-2008 and lasts 20 minutes. Here the lienhttp :/ /

    GD Star Rating
    • Bill says:

      Well done, Pierre. I don’t think it was filmed before 2004 as it’s 4:3 and most cameras were 16:9 by 2005. But this is a terrific find. It looks like she went in to escorting from this although that could be part of the scenario.

      GD Star Rating
  18. Pierre says:

    yes you are right for the year. This film may have been shot in France, for man to say a word or two in French. Sarah would it become an escort? How to have a copy of this film?

    GD Star Rating
  19. Pierre says:

    I found a new movie with Sarah to download online. It is certainly “Schwänze Kannibalinnen and Kranke Schluckluder” : site xahou

    GD Star Rating
  20. MJBarton says:

    Sarah was one of my first favorites! Whwn I started collecting GGG I made a list of all her movies and got them first including that escort scene mentioned above. She’s a cutie. Never get tired of watching her fuck.

    GD Star Rating
  21. alfredthedog says:

    Fairly certain this is her as well:

    GD Star Rating
  22. sarahforever says:

    Hi all, I’m a massive fan of Sarah, so thank you for this page which helped me watch all of her work… the one I’m missing is the “Kranke Schuckluder” film from Bex TV, are you sure that’s the correct tile? The 4 scenes from the film are now widely available on tube sites but, as pages like this seem to confirm, Sarah isn’t in any of the scenes… can anybody help?

    GD Star Rating
  23. Pierre says:

    No, Sarah is not on this film. This is another film in the series, I downloaded online from a French compilation (scene 5). Unfortunately I do not remember the site because it has been many years.

    GD Star Rating
  24. Bill says:

    Be sure to type the title correctly – there’s a missing L from the title you suggested. Google does find it if spelt Kranke Schluckluder. The film itself has no onscreen title so it may well be the title was mis-attributed to that clip. It’s is, however, what Google finds it under so until we find out for sure, it’ll have to do.
    It was released on VHS, if that helps. My DVD copy was clearly from VHS.

    GD Star Rating
  25. sarahforever says:

    Pierre, Bill, thanks a lot for your replies.

    Bill, when the spelling is correct (that was just a typo in my post) Google finds it but it’s the one I linked to – with no Sarah in it. You can try yourself, the only pictures of Sarah connected to that title are the ones on this website. Does your DVD copy have anything at all which could lead to the actual title of the movie?

    Pierre, do you think it’s another from the “Spermoral” Bex TV series? Can you tell me the name of that French compilation you downloaded?


    GD Star Rating
  26. Pierre says:

    I downloaded this film on a French site, but I do not remember which because it has been several years ago in many downloading sites … I just watch the film: there are 6 scenes. The bukkake gangbang & Sarah is the fifth. Unfortunately, there is no title on this compilation. But I can assure that it is the movie you are looking for. The photos correspond. Only the end is cut (when she leaves the room and in the hallway). There is no scene in the forest, in a fur coat. I also found this scene, which lasts about 10 minutes, but I was not able to download.

    GD Star Rating
  27. Pierre says:

    I have 10 movies with Sarah + GGG. Are any there any others? Does anyone have news of him? I understand she was in Paris there about ten years. Y did she stay? Lives in Paris, I still hope the cross, alas no …

    GD Star Rating
  28. Pierre says:

    Nationale Hoerentest 2 (2004)

    GD Star Rating
  29. dasraab says:

    i´ve got some more scenes of her. see screenshots at

    GD Star Rating
  30. milos says:

    For a big Sarah fan, it’s quite depressing to see that even on a GGG “bible” like this site it seems like we’re never gonna get any more Sarah news or material… look, almost two years since the last post on this thread! Does no one really know anything at all about her?
    Shame for her too, she could probably make some money out of her notoriety. That said, it could be that she doesn’t actually want her self to be solely associated with cumshots anymore…

    GD Star Rating
    • Bill says:

      I should imagine if she wanted more notoriety, she’d still be making films and escorting with an online presence. As she isn’t, we’ll just have to be thankful for what she did give us.

      As she’s obviously now a private person (people change over 15 years!), we can only publish what we know of her from her films. Although there isn’t much on her here, there’s more than you get at most other sites re. links, fan comments and screen grabs and this is one of the longest threads.

      GD Star Rating
      • taplow77 says:

        Hi Bill,

        I just want to know, where did you get this new picture of her? The one which now appears on the top right side of your comment boxes.
        Which website or video is it from please?

        GD Star Rating
  31. milos says:

    Oh and look, now even her escort-type video seems to have been removed from the internet… the only video evidence of our beloved taking it up the ass!

    At least, I can really recommend her 2nd scene in “schwanze kannibalinnen” – she happily swallows quite a lot in that one. And the good thing is, the film is available on all porn VOD sites and often some of them (you’ll have to search carefully though) offer one free scene if you’re a new user – without having to buy anything or even enter a credit card number, a real freebie!
    Her other one (with the piggy symbol on the top-right of the screen) is still a mystery… can’t be found anywhere on the web.

    One last thing guys: you gave 5 hearts to 3 of the 4 non-GGG movies listed here, but unfortunately she doesn’t actually swallow in any of those.
    Maybe, in addition to her extremely cute looks, this is what makes Sarah so attractive: when you watch a new video of hers it’s always a “will she/won’t she” type of situation, you just don’t know whether she’s gonna spit out or happily slurp it down.

    GD Star Rating
  32. Tigre says:

    I have also searched a long time for the video with the piggy symbol, but I also was not successful! 🙁
    The most other videos of her I have found. 🙂

    GD Star Rating
  33. sarach says:

    Guten Abend an alle. Da ich gesehen habe das es immer noch einige treue Fans gibt habe mich entschieden Par wörte zu schreiben. Ich drehe schon seit sehr langen keine Filme mehr. Das letzte was ich gedreht habe war in Holland. Wo das alles andere danach her kommt, habe ich um erlich zu sein keine Ahnung. Ihr weißt ja hier mehr wie ich selbst. Ich habe danach noch einige Jahre als Tänzerin gearbeitet..Leider kann man hier keine videos oder Bilder laden, sonst hätte ich euch ne tanzvideo oder meine aktuele Bilder gerne gezeigt. In Moment habe ich mit Porno Branche nichts zu tun und habe auch nicht vor. Lediglich lasse ich mich ab und zu Par neue erotik Bilder machen. Mir geht es gut und freue mich das nach so viel Jahren noch solche treue Fans giebts. Und noch um meine Nationalität zu klären . Ich bin nicht arabisch oder marokanisch . Bin Slowakin und derzeit 35jahre und ja ich lebe in Deutschland. Die ganze Zeit über.

    GD Star Rating
    • Tigre says:

      Liebste sarach es ist schön wieder einmal von dir zu lesen und zu hören das es dir gut geht! 🙂

      Deine Bilder und Videos würde ich sehr gerne sehen, vielleicht kannst du ja einen Link reinstellen, falls du deine Bilder und Videos woanders hochgeladen hast.

      Ich habe schon vermutet das du eventuell aus Ungan oder der Slowakei kommst, weil da kommen sehr viele hübsche Frauen her. 😉

      Ich bin und werde immer einer deiner größten Fans bleiben, weil du einfach wie ein Engel aussiehst. Einmal nur kurz gesehen und für immer verliebt.

      GD Star Rating
    • Artyom2018 says:

      Ahoj Marcelka!
      Prosim ta , ak si tu este niekde tak sa ozvi napis sem…budem sem nazerat na strankku ci si odpisala…nemam na teba ziaden kontakt, tak velmi dufam ze si toto precitas. A snad este vies nieco aj poslovensky, lebo ja po nemecky neviem len par vyrazov…Bol som tvoj spoluziak na Zakladnej skole. Spolu sme sedeli v jednej lavici. Statila si sa po skole a nikto o tebe nic nevedel. Objavil som ta nahodou, no nie je na teba ziaden ontak, neviem ani kde sa nachadzas momentalne. Rad by som keby si dala o sebe vediet. Odpis sem a potom i dam na seba email. Pa zatial modlim sa aby si sa pozrela sem na tuto stranku.

      GD Star Rating
      • milos says:

        Hello Artyom, are you saying you were at school with Sarah, or that you recently worked in a school with her??
        I used google translate to understand your letter but the translation is never very clear.
        Anyway, please be kind share any Sarah info with us… I know it isn’t actually any of my business, but you know, if you post here you’re bound to get people who are curious and want to know more 🙂

        GD Star Rating
    • mutabor says:

      Hi Sarah, großartig, dass Du Dich zu Wort meldest. Ja, in der Tat hast Du hier immer noch sehr viele Fans und auch für mich bist Du das beste GGG Girl aller Zeiten. Heute finde ich die neuen Filme eher langweilig. Die Mädchen sind alles Profi-Amateure. Deine Zeit war die goldene Ära bei GGG. Es hat mich immer unglaublich erregt mit welcher unendlichen Lust und unersättlichen Sperma-Durst Du und Deine Kolleginnen dabei wart. Das war unfassbar gut und so etwas gibt es heute beim Pornofilm nicht mehr. Höchstens noch auf privaten Sexparties. Ich bedauere es sehr, dass ich es damals nie geschafft hatte mal nach München zum Dreh zu kommen. Das wäre ein Traum gewesen wenn ich dann auf Dich getroffen wäre

      Es ist toll zu hören, dass es Dir gut geht. Ich hoffe Du hast ein erfülltes Leben und einen spannenden Beruf gefunden. Natürlich tut es mir für mich selbst leid, dass Du nicht mehr in der Branche aktiv bist, doch freue ich mich für Dich, denn Niemand kann immer ein Pornostar sein und muss irgendwann den Absprung schaffen. Ich selbst musste auch den Absprung von meinem Pornokonsum schaffen – es war irgendwann schon schädlich für mein Leben und hatte mindestens einmal eine Beziehung zerstört. Sexsucht… Naja, das war dann aber auch ein Wendepunkt für mich und es wurde alles gut. Wenn Du heute noch ab und zu erotische Fotos machst dann poste doch hier unbedingt wo die zu sehen sind. Ich würde so gern sehen wie Du jetzt aussiehst. Sicherlich kein bisschen weniger attraktiv als damals.

      Ich wünsche Dir noch ein gutes Leben und wenn Du deine Fans hier glücklich machen willst, dann poste mal einen Link wo Du zu sehen bist oder in welchen Publikationen die Fotos erschienen sind. Allerliebste Grüsse – ein Fan.

      GD Star Rating
    • serdar says:

      Hallo Liebe Sarah,

      Seit 2007 bin ich ein Großer fan. Einmal im leben würde ich
      mit dir mal live schreiben oder dich sehen ein Selfie machen.
      Du bist mein Star. Ermögliche bitte mir die chance.
      ich bin 40 jahre alt lebe in Nürnberg.

      Bitte schreibe mich an:

      instagram: srdrtna06

      Dein Fan


      GD Star Rating
  34. sarach says:

    Und eigentlich habe ich alles auf deutsch geschrieben .Verstehe nicht was von Mist hier rausgekommen ist…….

    GD Star Rating
  35. Pierre says:

    Haben Sie die Möglichkeit nach Paris zu kommen? Ich würde dich gerne kennenlernen. Ich habe auch eine E-Mail-Adresse, wo Sie mich erreichen können. Bist du wirklich Sarah?

    GD Star Rating
  36. Pierre says:

    Haben Sie die Möglichkeit nach Paris zu kommen? Ich würde dich gerne kennenlernen. Ich habe auch eine E-Mail-Adresse, wo Sie mich erreichen können. Bist du wirklich Sarah?

    See more German Goo Girls
    Follow us: @pornstarchive on Twitter

    GD Star Rating
  37. milos says:

    Hallo Sarah!!!
    Es ist wunderbar, Nachrichten direkt von Ihnen zu erhalten. Vor allem tut mir leid, ich spreche kein Deutsch (nur Englisch und Italienisch), also verwende ich Google Translate … und ich musste es auch verwenden, um zu versuchen zu verstehen, was du geschrieben hast.

    Ich bin 39 Jahre alt und komme aus Italien. Du bist definitiv mein Lieblings-Pornostar – ich schaue nicht so viel Pornos, aber ich habe deine Videos vor mehr als 10 Jahren angeschaut und mache es immer noch! Da ist etwas an deinem schönen Gesicht, deinem schönen Körper und der Art, wie du dich bewegst, die mich wirklich verrückt macht. Mein Favorit ist Die schwanz kannibalnen.

    Ich habe eine Frage an dich: In deinen Filmen scheinst du eine eigenartige Beziehung mit Sperma zu haben … in einigen Filmen bist du ziemlich glücklich, es zu schlucken, aber in anderen scheinst du ein bisschen angewidert zu sein und weigerst dich, es zu tun. War das einfach wegen deiner Laune am Tag, oder wo haben sie Anweisungen vom Regisseur des Films?

    Wie andere schon gesagt haben, wäre es erstaunlich, wenn du kürzlich Fotos oder Videos von dir sehen würdest … selbst wenn es sich nicht um Pornos handelt!

    All the best

    GD Star Rating
  38. mutabor says:

    Hi everyone. I believe that the user sarach is truely the real Sarah. I can confirm that from the videos on xhamster that her accent is Slowakian. I am a German native speaker but I also speak Polish what is quite similar to Slowakian. Guys, just seize the moment and express your gratitude to the best GGG girl ever. It’s a pity she isn’t active anymore but honestly noone can do or want to do that forever.

    GD Star Rating
    • milos says:

      Yes, I also think it was truly her. We should have done more to keep her here. I can’t speak German so I have to use Google translate to understand what she wrote, but I think at one point she got pissed off with the site malfunctioning, or something like that?

      Also, there’s a post in Slovakian from Artyom (see above) where he says (again, google translate) that maybe they worked together in some school, and then he found her here… if that’s the case, it ay be another reason why she doesn’t want to communicate with us anymore.

      GD Star Rating
    • milos says:

      And you’re right, it is perfectly understandable that she’s not interested in taking cumshots left, right and centre anymore… even though it’s such a pity for massive fans like us!

      I don’t know what it is about her, but she’s the only pornstar I have this obsession for. And it’s not like I spend all my time watching porn, I’m a family man like many other, but there’s just something special about Sarah that makes me want to watch her videos again and again, year after year. I just love her beautiful face and body, her slightly innocent expression… also, at first I only had the films when she doesn’t swallow at all, so what a nice surprise when I discovered there are films where she swallows with great enthusiasm!

      If you haven’t watched Die schwanzkannibalinnen yet, do it. It’s non-GGG but it’s actually the film where she swallows the most – and it’s not unnecessarily messy like some GGG titles (I’m looking at you, Betty).

      By the way, I think I’ve watched almost all of her videos now, but I still haven’t found the one with the piggy symbol, of which a few photos are posted on this page. If anyone has it, guys, could you not maybe put it somewhere on the internet? That would be awesome.

      GD Star Rating
  39. serdar says:

    Hallo Liebe Sarah,

    Seit 2007 bin ich ein Großer fan. Einmal im leben würde ich
    mit dir mal live schreiben oder dich sehen ein Selfie machen.
    Du bist mein Star. Ermögliche bitte mir die chance.
    ich bin 40 jahre alt lebe in Nürnberg.

    Bitte schreibe mich an:

    instagram: srdrtna06

    Dein Fan


    GD Star Rating
  40. milos says:

    This is bad… no more news, no more videos or pics, has this thread reached a dead-end? I don’t even know if the site is working properly… another comments of mine on this page has been awaiting moderation for a year and a half!

    And was that really Sarah writing those posts? I really think it was, you know, they sounded very genuine. So we had her for a while, and then we let her go. We should have looked after her better.

    Sarah, please come back and allow us to communicate with you! We love you.

    GD Star Rating
  41. milos says:

    And a google-translated German version of my post…

    Das ist schlecht… keine Neuigkeiten mehr, keine Videos oder Bilder mehr, hat dieser Thread eine Sackgasse erreicht? Ich weiß nicht einmal, ob die Website richtig funktioniert… ein weiterer Kommentar von mir auf dieser Seite wartet seit anderthalb Jahren auf Moderation!

    Und schrieb Sarah diese Beiträge wirklich? Ich glaube wirklich, dass es, wissen Sie, sie klangen sehr echt. Also hatten wir sie für eine Weile, und dann ließen wir sie gehen. Wir hätten uns besser um sie kümmern sollen.

    Sarah, bitte komm zurück und erlaube uns, mit dir zu kommunizieren! Wir lieben dich.

    GD Star Rating
  42. milos says:

    Fellow Sarah fans, if we were detectives we’d have to say that our only possible lead is user Artyom2018 above, who seems to have recently met her. Maybe admin could e-mail him and ask him to come back here and tell us more.

    And no I’ve no intention of being an online stalker, but her posts here (which do look genuine) clearly state that she’s still dancing and having “erotic pictures” taken – in fact she was bemoaning the fact that you can’t post videos or photos here!
    And you know, maybe she’s underestimated the potential for her to make a bit of extra cash… there seem to be a good few admirers here.

    By the way, has anyone got her only anal clip? Disappeared from the internet…

    GD Star Rating
  43. Pierre says:

    Dear Milos, I have her anal clip (and many others). I just miss a video: when she is in a fur coat, in a forest.

    GD Star Rating
    • milos says:

      Hi Pierre!
      The fur coat scene can be seen here
      some of these vod sites sometimes give you one scene for free, that’s how I got her other scene in this film, which for me is one of the best ever.

      Any chance of having access to her anal clip and any other which you have and may not be readily available on the internet?


      GD Star Rating
      • Pierre says:

        I do not buy on the internet. the anal clip I downloaded on xHamster (about 4 years ago). I have all his movies except “the fur coat scene”.

        GD Star Rating
        • milos says:

          I understand Pierre, I also never buy online porn. But occasionally some of those video on demand sites give you one free scene with no credit card, that’s what I did with her long scene in Schwanzkannibalinnen. But the site I got it from doesn’t seem to give free scenes anymore. Anyway I can guarantee you, that scene is nothing special.. single blowjob and no swallowing.

          Hey, do you really have that scene with the piggy symbol in the corner?? I and others are still desperately looking for that one, would you consider sharing it? You’d make a few people happy..

          GD Star Rating
    • milos says:

      Hey Pierre, I don’t mean to bother you but are you interested in an exchange of Sarah scenes? I have the longer one from Die Schwanzkannibalinnen (which I guarantee is an absolute gem) and would be interested in her anal scene, and above all the one pictured on these page with the piggy symbol – the only one I have never managed to watch, not even once!
      We could use one of those websites that lets you send files for free, like wetransfer or sendtransfer.. I’ve never used them but they seem really straightforward.
      What do you think?

      GD Star Rating
      • Pierre says:

        You’re not bothering me. But it is difficult to communicate on this forum. My comments are waiting for three weeks. Once I waited 6 months !!! Is this forum abandoned? I propose you to contact me on: You open an account. In the search bar, make user. Look for nicaise (it’s my speudo). Attention there are three nicaise. I am nicaise Paris (and not nicaise 44, nicaise 741 or nicaise sucks). Send me a message. It’s immediate! I will tell you what I own as videos: duration, quality, format, etc. You will do the same and so we can exchange more easily. If Sarah reads this message, she can also contact me: I assure him ALL in Paris (travel, restoration, accommodation, outings, pleasures, clothing, and more …).

        GD Star Rating
      • Tigre says:

        I am also looking for the clip with the piggy symbol. The anal clip I have on my hard disk. How we can share this?

        GD Star Rating
  44. milos says:

    I seem to be the only one who keeps checking this page hoping for news and posting on it… does that make me the biggest/most obsessed fan of Sarah?

    GD Star Rating
  45. Tigre says:

    I am still there and still hope that the sweet Sarah can be seen again. I’m still looking for the video with the piggy symbol!

    GD Star Rating
  46. Pierre says:

    You’re not bothering me. But it is difficult to communicate on this forum. My comments are waiting for three weeks. Once I waited 6 months !!! Is this forum abandoned? I propose you to contact me on: You open an account. In the search bar, make user. Look for nicaise (it’s my speudo). Attention there are three nicaise. I am nicaise Paris (and not nicaise 44, nicaise 741 or nicaise sucks). Send me a message. It’s immediate! I will tell you what I own as videos: duration, quality, format, etc. You will do the same and so we can exchange more easily. If Sarah reads this message, she can also contact me: I assure him ALL in Paris (travel, restoration, accommodation, outings, pleasures, clothing, and more …).

    GD Star Rating
  47. rageinblack says:

    I can’t believe no one mentioned the one of the hottest GG girls is also named Sarah! The one from “Sarah schluckt gern” Picture here:

    And she does not have a profile page here (sigh). It seems like she only worked for GGG and only in the year 2012, but she’s such an incredible slut, born for porn!! I cannot believe she is not more famous, I can’t believe she does not have a profile page here or anywhere else that I could find, except on imdb… And I searched, oh I searched a lot! Perhaps under another pseudonym, does anyone know? Thanks.

    GD Star Rating
  48. adamndable says:

    I don’t suppose anyone ever got any contact info for Sarah? I’m headed to Germany this month and, well, meeting up would be a Dream come true. Seems like a huge stretch, but one can dream….

    GD Star Rating
  49. milos says:

    Good news for all Sarah fans! Some kind soul has put what I think is the best of all of Sarah’s scenes on xvideos. She happily swallows and looks more beautiful than ever. Enjoy!!!

    It would be great if someone could do the same with her only anal scene. It’s disappeared from the internet and I never downloaded it..

    GD Star Rating
  50. parks1999 says:

    I recently discovered Sarah after revisiting the GGG catalog after many years. After viewing some of the films I quickly remembered that the older films IMO are far better. Sarah is on fire on film and no wonder JT used her in so many films. Even if she isn’t having the greatest time she improvised. Her outfits, facial expressions, dancing, pairings, and general camera presence were off the charts. There are only a few videos she did after GGG and she wasn’t able to pair up with a director that could unleash her sexiness to the same level JT did. Too bad. Still there are enough of her amazing films still searchable on the net. I do love some of the newer stars like Francys Belle but they still don’t have the same raw energy Betty and Sarah have. 2000-2006 was really a great time for porn films.

    GD Star Rating
  51. gggloverboy says:

    One of the best GGG girls out there. Always looked hot and even more so with her face covered in cum. Her scenes with Betty were a highlight. Betty is quite rough with her and they have some glorious cum play.

    GD Star Rating
  52. RetroResolutionRestoration says:

    Crazy how beautiful she is

    GD Star Rating
  53. Tigre says:

    Any news from the pretty angel Sarah?

    GD Star Rating
  54. Bunshichi says:

    Since everybody seemed to be searching for the scene with the piggy logo, I assume people didnt found it online yet? Its the Kranke Schluckluder one.
    Its online here: (new upload? dont know, but seems so, since no one here posted anything about it. great quality also.
    dont know if thats a scene from the same movie, or a scene they shot at the same location for another movie? seems quite similar but it is a different scene then the other.

    so hope you people enjoy

    GD Star Rating
  55. milos says:

    Yes my friend, that scene must be a recent upload because for a long time it couldn’t be found anywhere on the web! So thank you!!!
    It’s not one of the best, she doesn’t swallow in it, but still what a pleasant surprise to be able to see a “new” Sarah scene after so long!

    The second link has been around for a long time, I think it’s from an older film.

    The escort scene where she does anal has seemingly disappeared from the internet, but other than that I think every single one of her scenes is or has been available on the internet.

    What a legend! And to think that she once wrote on this very page… I do believe that was really her, can’t see why anyone else would do that in that way.

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