
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Nina (Anna)

Posted by Pornstarchive On May - 17 - 2014
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Nina GGG 001 Nina GGG 002 Nina GGG 003 Nina GGG 004

Hair Color: Brunette

Body Type: Thin

Chest Size: B

Aliases: Anna

Info: Little is known about Nina outside of the GGG films.

Comments: Nina is a lovely brunette with an unassuming face, big pretty brown eyes and a cute smile.  In the movie Meine Erste Schluckerfahrung, she is called Nina yet on the DVD cover she is titled Anna.  She seems to enjoy the scenes she is in, which is a shame she only made 2 (technically appeared in 3) movies. Interestingly, she almost always looks in the eyes of the male actor while he cums on her face or in her mouth. In the few films she is in, there is a lot of interaction with John Thompson and she often smiles and laughs giving her a genuine charm.  She’s the girl next door with a voracious sexual appetite!


2011 Meine Erste Schluckerfahrung* ♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2011 Sabrina Trifft… Auf Sperma* ♥♥♥♥♥ anale
2011 Sperma Trilogie ♥♥♥♥♥

* The final scene between Nina and Sabrina is the same in the film Sabrina Trifft… Auf Sperma.
The pics below are from Meine Erste Schluckerfahrung part of the Das Erste Mal series

Nina-GGG-005 Nina-GGG-006 Nina-GGG-008 Nina-GGG-015 Nina-GGG-027 Nina-GGG-033 Nina-GGG-038 Nina-GGG-040 Nina-GGG-045 Nina-GGG-050Nina-GGG-052 Nina-GGG-055 Nina-GGG-060 Nina-GGG-074 Nina-GGG-078 Nina-GGG-085 Nina-GGG-087 Nina-GGG-093 Nina-GGG-094 Nina-GGG-109 Nina-GGG-113 Nina-GGG-118 Nina-GGG-121 Nina-GGG-129 Nina-GGG-141 Nina-GGG-148 Nina-GGG-156 Nina-GGG-157 Nina-GGG-160 Nina-GGG-170 Nina-GGG-173Nina-GGG-175 Nina-GGG-176

Below Nina gets fucked to the filming of Sabrina Trifft…Auf Sperma, and joins the title actress in a short scene.  They hug at the end of the scene which appears in two movies.

Nina-GGG-181 Nina-GGG-184 Nina-GGG-185 Nina-GGG-186 Nina-GGG-189 Nina-GGG-198 Nina-GGG-200 Nina-GGG-201

Below are pics from the film Sperma Trilogie

Nina-GGG-204 Nina-GGG-206 Nina-GGG-210 Nina-GGG-214 Nina-GGG-217 Nina-GGG-221 Nina-GGG-223 Nina-GGG-224 Nina-GGG-226 Nina-GGG-228 Nina-GGG-229 Nina-GGG-231 Nina-GGG-235 Nina-GGG-236 Nina-GGG-237 Nina-GGG-241 Nina-GGG-243 Nina-GGG-245Nina-GGG-250 Nina-GGG-253 Nina-GGG-255 Nina-GGG-256 Nina-GGG-258 Nina-GGG-259 Nina-GGG-261 Nina-GGG-262 Nina-GGG-267 Nina-GGG-268

Nina as a DVD cover girl

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GGG Models - Nina (Anna), 4.7 out of 10 based on 309 ratings

About Pornstarchive

Pornstarchive is the alter-ego of the The Admin and is the webmaster and host of the site. Favorite girls are Cissie, Vendula, Magdalena, Diana and Adina.

5 Responses so far.

  1. galactus says:

    How is this the first time I notice this beautiful girl?
    Incedibly sweet looking.

    GD Star Rating
  2. cuteboy virat says:

    does anyone know more about her??

    GD Star Rating
  3. Pepe says:

    Nina, aka Anna has done anal, but makes it obvious that she doesn’t like it.
    She’s my second favourite GGG after Milka, closely followed by Angela.
    Three is about my limit these days. Ö¿Ö

    GD Star Rating
  4. macho8790 says:

    She was also in GGG Live 21 (Sperma Trilogie), and GGG Live 23 (in the beginning – short interview.

    Please someone translate all her words and answers from all her movies on english.

    And maybe she was in another porn? Or another info about her?

    Thank you.

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