
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Milka

Posted by Maurilio Del Pisello On June - 24 - 2014
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Hair Color: Brunette

Body Type: Thin

Chest Size: B

Info: Little is known about Milka outside of the GGG films.

Comments: Angelic, sweet, smiling, Milka is in addition to the many mysteries surrounding the GGG World. She shot only two movies with John Thompson, but in the second Milka is present only for a few minutes next to the stunning Kathy, which licks her face full of cum, her pussy, and receives an ejaculation. Remarkably, the last scene of the film Hilfe Sperma Von Allen Seiten shows our beautiful Milka, surrounded by many men when masturbating several cocks, getting fucked while in turn receiving many cumshots in the mouth, she also swallows with great naturalness and ease. Why only two films? What has happened? If any of our friends know something, we will be happy to deepen our understanding of this wonderful girl! Solar girl, maybe a little flashy, but has a nice body and a face very attractive and seemingly naive, Milka in our opinion is a very, very, very talented girl!

GGG Films:

2001 Hilfe Sperma Von Allen Seiten ♥♥♥♥♥
2002 Single Sucht Sperma! ♥♥♥♥♥

Non GGG Films:

2007* Der Grosse Blastest – 100% Geilster Fellatio
2008** 100% Spermatrinken-Ausgesaugt
2010** Echter Amateurs Gangbang

* Probably shot in 2001-2002.
** The two films, evidently only compilations, contain the same scene with Milka, probably shot in 2001-2002.

Note: Scene from Hilfe Sperma Von Allen Seiten with Milka protagonist in three scenes, in the last scene appear also Kathy.

Milka on DVD cover.

Note: She also appears in the film Echter Amateurs Gangbang, edited by Project 54, where sucks many cocks and swallows sperm very naturally. The film is apparently published in 2010, but the scene of Milka probably dates from 2001-2002. We discovered that the scene in the movie, is cut thoroughly. We found it on e-mule a series of files with multiple titles [for example: Lolita 19Yr Old In Skirt (15 Guys Creampie Swallow)], which are nothing more than this film in its entirety. In the opening scene, the girl says her name. The final scene is a large gangbang. This scene is also present in the video, published in 2008, 100% Spermatrinken-Ausgesaugt. The same scene can be retrieved via the Internet, using for example Google, on various sites with the title of Milka gangbanged. Thank you pwh for submitting the Link. Also, in the video Der Grosse Blastest – 100% Geilster Fellatio (where there are also other GGG girls like Lisanne, Lilly, Petra, Sabine or Jenny) Milka gives a blowjob with swallow. Milka is the first girl in the movie and does not even appear on the cover! If we look at the t-shirt wearing, the white one with a big fish drawn on the front, we see that she is wearing the same shirt in Milka gangbanged. Very likely that the two scenes were filmed on the same day and by the same director, Olli T. Horn, who in our humble opinion does not seem of great quality. And this is goliardic movies style, a bit sloppy.

Note: The images above and the cover refers to the movie Der Grosse Blastest – 100% Geilster Fellatio, where our heroine does not appear in the cover! Those below refers to the film Milka gangbanged and to the other films that contain it. Although the pictures chosen by us do not show it clearly, we can confirm that the T-shirt of the girl is the same between the film above and the one below.

One of the cover of the DVD containing this film, which lasts about 35 minutes.

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GGG Models - Milka, 2.4 out of 10 based on 903 ratings

About Maurilio Del Pisello

Maurilio is the pioneer of the GGG girls database. Lives in Italy. He argues: "In my opinion, the phenomenon GGG is the most advanced expression in porn since 2000 in the Western world".

9 Responses so far.

  1. teengangbangfan says:

    Really great girl – just the young, skinny and naive type we like to see getting pounded by everyone and gulping down all their cum!!

    GD Star Rating
  2. alfredthedog says:

    Also in Scene 3 of Die Reifeprufung (aka The Maturity Test)

    GD Star Rating
  3. Pepe says:

    Derica, aka Milka has been my favourite for quite a few years and although it took a long time, I have copies of all the videos she appeared in. There are 3 others apart from her 4 GGG appearances.

    GD Star Rating
  4. Pepe says:

    Is there any point posting here?

    GD Star Rating
    • Yes apologies – I am the webmaster and owner of the domain. The original moderator Mauro is missing in action. Hope he is ok. 🙁

      GD Star Rating
      • Ingo Fick says:

        Ahhh, that may explain it…

        I think your signore Mauro may just have “checked out early” as they say in USA..
        I sent him ome E-mail and heard back nothing at all. This was almost two years ago.

        C’est la vie…

        Like I said on the main page, I would like to get involved with the site. I think their is a million -(well a lot) of stories to tell of the woman who came to John and Neni on the Leopoldstr over the years 1996-2010 and much to be written of this time.
        Of the “Berlin Years” -(2010-now) know nothing and I personally think the movies are very boring now anyway!
        Seriously though, of this time, the story of these two and their business, GGG-Film I really do think there is potential, “John” should open up about his most interesting life. I am thinking book deals etc…
        The story should be told in full and here I think may be the place to start. Shame the sight has became neglected in recent years.
        Anyway.. Write me if you would like to collaborate.


        GD Star Rating
  5. stranger8244 says:

    I made a playlist on pornhub with her videos just add me as a friend and you can see them as they are private.

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