
GGG Model & Porn Star Archive

GGG Models – Kathy

Posted by Maurilio Del Pisello On July - 26 - 2011
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Hair Color: Brunette

Body Type: Thin

Chest Size: B

Info: No information is available for Kathy outside of the John Thompson / GGG movies, but it is assumed that her porn debut (2001) took place when she was 18 or 19 years old, since the film’s title was “Lolita Im Sperma und Pisswahn”.

Comments: Kathy is truly extraordinary. She made her debut as a porn star in 2001, participating in numerous GGG films until 2003, which shows great talent in cum and piss drinking with remarkable ease, always with a smile. Since then he has held various roles in the John Thompson Productions: answering, studio assistant and, in 2010, even as camerawoman. And we see her dealings with almost all the girls.
Having moved GGG filming to Berlin from the historical home of Munich, Kathy has lost her job. This has saddened many fans who would like to express their solidarity with her. We hope to be able to find Kathy to talk to her about her amazing experience of 10 years with GGG.

GGG Films:

2001 Hilfe Sperma Von Allen Seiten ♥♥♥
2001 Lolita Im Sperma und Pisswahn ♥♥♥♥♥ pppp
2001 Los! Spritz Mir in den Mund
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2002 Blond und Vollgespritzt
2002 Ich Brauch Sperma!!!
2002 Ich Will Schlucken
2002 Schlucken Macht Spass ♥♥♥♥♥
2002 Schluck Meine Tochter, Schluck!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2002 Single Sucht Sperma!
2002 Sperma Für Mich Da?
2002 Sperma Schlampen Express (APPEARANCE)
2002 Zwei Schwestern Im Spermawahn (APPEARANCE)
2003 Arschgefickt Und Vollgespritzt (APPEARANCE)
2003* Bin Ich Zu Jung? ♥♥♥♥♥
2003 Der Große Sperma Check ♥♥♥♥
2003 Die Sperma Belohnung
2003 Die Sperma Brotzeit ♥♥♥♥♥
2003 Die Spermafalle ♥♥♥
2003 Dralle Schluckmiezen (APPEARANCE)
2003 Lucia’s Piss und Spermafolter
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Piss & Sperma Biester
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Piss & Sperma Freundinnen (PISS)
2003 Piss & Sperma Rallye (LESBO)
2003 Piss und Sperma Gewitter
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Piss Und Spritz Mich Glücklich ♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Piss und Sperma Knast
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Reingepisst Und Runtergeschluckt (APPEARANCE)
2003 Sperma & Piss Drohnung
♥♥♥♥♥ ppppp
2003 Sperma Kränzchen ♥♥♥♥♥
2003 Sperma Service ♥♥♥♥♥
2003 Spritzen Ist Spitze ♥♥♥♥♥
2003 Unser Blase-Engelchen (APPEARANCE)
2004 Lesben Liben Sperma (APPEARANCE)
2005** Sperma Und Pisse Voll Cool, Mann! (APPEARANCE)
2006 Sperma Einladung (APPEARANCE)
2007 Magdalena Im Sperma Olymp (APPEARANCE)
2008 Pisse… gut Verpackt! (PISS)
2012*** Casting Girls 28 (LESBO)

* The scene of Kathy, with Maria and Anna, was shot probably in 2002.
** Perhaps the film was shot in 2003.
*** This is not a real movie, but a long clip, filmed in 2010, perhaps by John Thompson, out of the legendary study of Leopoldstraße. It’s a beautiful lesbian scene between Viktoria Goo and Kathy, turned to fit in the new page of Viktoria Goo on MyDirtyHobby.

Note: In the photo above, also appear Annette Schwarz and ebony Feli. It also appears the “pee machine”, where Kathy and Feli gather it up and Annette is placed under the “machine” with an open mouth.
In the photos below, we see Kathy as an assistant in the study, intent to follow the scenes, ready to provide water to the girls, and tokens and paper towels to men, in the dressing room helps to place the garter of Paris Milton, and interacts with Melanie Moon and Chris, and finally as a camerawoman.

Note: The following photos are part of the video clip, filmed in 2010, perhaps by John Thompson, out of the legendary study of Leopoldstraße. It’s a beautiful lesbian scene between Kathy and Viktoria Goo, turned to fit in the new page of Viktoria Goo on MyDirtyHobby and published in Casting Girl 28 (2012). More photos can be seen in the profile of Viktoria.

Kathy on GGG cover

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GD Star Rating
GGG Models - Kathy, 8.2 out of 10 based on 4772 ratings

About Maurilio Del Pisello

Maurilio is the pioneer of the GGG girls database. Lives in Italy. He argues: "In my opinion, the phenomenon GGG is the most advanced expression in porn since 2000 in the Western world".

42 Responses so far.

  1. […] Kathy also appears in the […]

  2. Boss says:

    My god, Kathy is so hot, I still mastrubate to her each and every time.

    GD Star Rating
  3. alecfox says:

    I love Kathy. She’s so beautiful and so damn hot. I get off on her every time I see her movies. I wish she’d made more. She made some amazing 666 movies, including one with Annette where they spit piss at each other. Gorgeous woman. I hope you manage to get an interview with her. Great site, btw!

    GD Star Rating
  4. Ana María says:

    Kathy también aparece como camarógrafa en los primeros 40 minutos de Live 16: So Arbeitet John Thompson – GGG (2010/DVDRip)

    GD Star Rating
  5. alecfox says:

    If you look for Viktoria’s entry on (under the alias FistingQueen), you will find a few videos of her and Kathy from 2009-10. The videos are from the same shoot as the segment in GGG Live 16 (an apartment) with just Viktoria and Kathy, but show some scenes not on the GGG video. Also, look on youtube for and you’ll see a German comedy duo go to the GGG studios, meet JT and interview Kathy.

    GD Star Rating
    • fila80 says:

      kathy è la più bella fica nel mondo del porno

      GD Star Rating
      • Non so se sia la più bella fica, ma certamente è una delle più arrapanti e di talento.

        GD Star Rating
        • fila80 says:

          ma si è definitivamente ritirata …. che peccato …

          GD Star Rating
          • Beh, si era già ritirata da molti anni come attrice, ma era rimasta nel team GGG con varie mansioni. Purtroppo, quando GGG si è trasferito a Berlino lei è rimasta a Monaco. La mia speranza è di riuscire prima o poi ad intervistarla!

            GD Star Rating
          • fila80 says:

            avvertimi se la intervisti , visto che sono letteralmente infatuato di lei

            GD Star Rating
          • SAN BENEDETTO says:

            finalmente mi sento orgoglioso di essere italiano!un mio connazionale che gestisce il data base delle ragazze della scuderia GGG,FANTASTICO.
            Per quanto riguarda Kathy e’ stata il mio sogno erotico per molti anni e veramente avrei dato un braccio per trovarmela davanti e vabbe’ sul resto ci siamo capiti…adesso avra’ quei 10 anni in piu’ ma che donna ragazzi

            GD Star Rating
          • Grazie, davvero gentile.
            Comunque, ho scoperto facendo questo lavoro che gli aficionados GGG sono sparsi in ogni parte del mondo, anche in luoghi che non penseresti!
            E quando ho iniziato, da solo, a curare un database online, molto spartano, non credevo di trovare tanti amici, collaboratori e soci davvero notevoli, come coloro con i quali gestisco l’attuale sito.
            Su Kathy, che dire, concordo pienamente con te, ma se vedi le foto che ha girato con Viktoria nel 2010, puoi dire che non sembra proprio siano passati 10 anni!!!.
            Grazie ancora e a presto

            GD Star Rating
  6. Sparky says:

    Absolute classic chick, especially when wearing high heels, stockings and that red lipstick. What a turn on! Will miss her.

    GD Star Rating
  7. John Sampson says:

    What does […] Kathy […]mean and why do the girls post it?

    GD Star Rating
  8. fila80 says:

    x caso sapete se possiede un account facebook o twitter ?

    GD Star Rating
    • Purtroppo, non abbiamo notizia della sua presenza su FB o Twitter.
      Se avessimo un contatto ci saremmo precipitati a chiederle una intervista, lei è una autentica miniera di informazioni, oltre ad una delle ragazze di maggior talento di GGG.
      Comunque, se veniamo a saperlo, lo pubblicheremo immediatamente sul suo profilo.

      GD Star Rating
  9. robertjohns says:

    Kathy is my all-time favourite GGG model. She has tremendous energy and can take anything thrown at her with a smile. She always looks happiest covered in sperm.

    GD Star Rating
  10. niman100 says:

    Die Sperma Belohnung was the first G.G.G. film I ever saw. Kathy is a sweetheart, and she’ll always have a special place in my heart!

    GD Star Rating
  11. Arnoldbuckston says:

    I must say Kathy is by far the best GGG girls… What she does for and with cum is so beautiful!!!
    Hope she decides to more bukkake movies, she’s probably still just as hot as hit the day she started with GGG.

    GD Star Rating
  12. Bukkakeaddict says:

    Wow. But it’s shame that there are no pics of her pussy and ass while she is cum covered.

    GD Star Rating
    • Pussyjuice-11 says:

      I recall a scene in which she eats out a fucked cunt and while she is doing so, some cock ( it`s filmed with her ass and cunt in focus) steps up and sperms her cunt with a direct hit!!! Looks so greatUnfortunately it`is her sperm on cunt scene I came across so far and I don`t remember from which movie it is!Yet she has in the opening of Piss und Sperma biester some wonderful pics of her ass and cunt,she puts a finger up her ass.It`s downloadble on !!!!

      GD Star Rating
  13. iclight says:

    I found a clip on Youtube which seems to be from a German comedy show going backstage with John Thompson. There is an awkward interview with Kathy in the clip. I suppose the awkwardness is there for comedic reasons. But Kathy is gorgeous as usual:

    GD Star Rating
  14. JohnnyGGG says:

    Love Kathy

    GD Star Rating
  15. GGG says:


    GD Star Rating
  16. Pussyjuice-11 says:

    Can plpease anyone help me to watch the full movies Ich will schlucken,Bin ich zu jung,Die sperma Brotzeit and Spritzen ist Spitze.Kathy is simply the most enjoyable Sperma Slut!!!So greedy to get it in her face and mouth and I adore her moans when being either hard fucked or spermed in her face <3

    GD Star Rating
  17. Pussyjuice-11 says:

    I´m trying to put Kathy on the throne of sperm whores! So I vote daily 10 stars,one vote per day so it`s slow progress.Help would be appreciated!

    GD Star Rating
  18. Pussyjuice-11 says:

    Why is it that I can only vote once a week for sperm whore Kathy???? I`m NOT a machine, but a very very big fan of hers!!!!!!!

    GD Star Rating

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